The development of social and civic competences in Social Sciences: didactic itinerary for the phenician legacy of Almuñecar (Granada)
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In the present work a didactic itinerary is proposed for the Phoenician remains of the town of Almuñécar (Granada) oriented to students of the first year of secondary school. Through it we put special interest in the development of social and civic skills. The historical and patrimonial legacy of Almuñécar is more than evident. However, the existence of assets is verified that are insufficiently known and exploited from a didactic point of view. It is designed through the use of a GIS, a cartography with the main Points of Didactic Interest with the presence of archaeological remains. Furthermore, it is intended to work a series of activities through a field notebook that allows you to know the Phoenician past of your city, the historical importance of the Phoenician colonization, promote awareness and conservation values, and develop a final product to request from the responsible authorities actions aimed at valuing local historical heritage.
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Cómo citar
Najarro Martín, U., & Maroto Martos, J. C. (2019). The development of social and civic competences in Social Sciences: didactic itinerary for the phenician legacy of Almuñecar (Granada). Didáctica Geográfica, (20). Recuperado a partir de
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