Didáctica Geográfica was first published in 1977, before the Grupo de Didáctica de la Geografía of the Spanish Association of Geography (AGE) was constituted. The journal was created by the impulse of Dr Pedro Plans Sanz de Bremond, who was then full professor at the University of Murcia (Spain). He founded this journal due to his long experience as a teacher in secondary education and his personal interest for improving and enriching the teaching of Geography, and he did it with the help of some colleagues from the Geography department of the high school where he used to teach who shared the same interests.

The history of the journal has two stages. The first one, from 1977 to 1987, includes 14 issues and it was discontinued due to financial problems. The Grupo de Didáctica de la Geografía of the Spanish Association of Geography reedited the journal in 1996, with the support of those who worked for it since its origin. The University of Murcia transferred the editing rights to the Grupo de Didáctica de la Geografía, and this way the second stage of the journal started. During this period, it has published articles from plenty of renowned authors in the field of Didactics of Geography and still continues to do so. It is the only Spanish journal specialized in the research and innovation of the teaching and learning of Geography.

The Grupo de Didáctica de la Geografía of the Spanish Association of Geography is still the driving force behind this journal and the publication of its annual issue.