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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The paper is original and is submitted by the authors. Authors do not have any conflict of interest in relation to the publication of the paper (or they have specified the details in the corresponding section).
  • The paper has not been published in another journal or is not in the process of evaluation (in case it has, a justification is offered in the field “Comments for the Editor”.
  • The format is docx or odt.
  • Whenever possible, references will include a DOI or URL.
  • The cover page contains: full name(s), ORCID iD, institutional affiliation(s), and e-mail of all authors (indicating the corresponding one); reference to all funding linked to the article and an acknowledgment paragraph, where appropriate.
  • The text is single-spaced, font size is 12 and text is italicized (instead of underlined).
  • The paper follow the IMRaD structured: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
  • All figures and tables are placed within the text (not at the end) and have a corresponding title and source.
  • The text follows the style and formatting guidelines indicated in the Guidelines for authors.
  • Scientific papers submitted to a blind peer-review section ensure the the anonymity of the author(s) following these instructions.
  • References are edited following the APA style.
  • In the corresponding sections, the author(s) specify all the sources of funding, any existing or potential conflict of interest, as well as the specific contribution of each author to the paper.

Authors must submit their contribution through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform together with a cover page.

Authors must have an account in our website. Send your paper before May 31 for inclusion in the next issue.

In order to ensure the anonymity of the paper, do not include any personal information about the author(s), their contact information or the funding in your manuscript. All this data can be submitted through the website and in the author cover page. Papers that contain personal data of the authors will be rejected. You can consult more detailed instructions on how to ensure anonymity in the following link or in the Article Submission Manual.

If you experience any trouble during your submission, please, contact the Journal Editorial Secretary, Ramón Martínez Medina: didactica.geografica@gmail.com



All authors must provide a cover page including: contributors’ full names, ORCID iD, affiliation  and email addresses, as well as specify who the corresponding author will be. Likewise, if the submitted article is the result of a financed research project, clear reference to the project must be provided as an acknowledgement note.

The cover page should be sent via OJS after uploading your full manuscript.

Before submitting an article, authors are required to check that their submission complies with these guidelines by reviewing the integrated submission checklist in OJS.




The title should be concise, relevant and clear. It should not be too generic or too similar to the titles of other published papers.

The abstract should be between 100 and 200 words long. It should include the main idea, a summary of the methodology used and a summary of the conclusions of the research.

After the abstract, you should include 3–5 key words that are used in the specialty, separated by semicolons (;).

The title, the abstract and the key words will always appear in the three languages of the journal (English, Spanish and French).


The all authors’ data will always be provided through the online platform and will not be included in the text file in order to ensure the anonymity of the text.

It is compulsory to provide the ORCID code of the author via the OJS platform, in order to ensure the correct attribution of the paper.

Details about funding should also be provided exclusively via the OJS platform, in the corresponding field. Details about funding in the manuscript could jeopardize the anonymity of the text and might be a reason for ineligibility.

Likewise, please, delete all the proprieties of the file before submission.


Papers should not exceed 50,000 characters (including spaces).

Book reviews and relevant news reports should not exceed 10,000 characters (including spaces). News reports cannot include references. Submissions to these sections should be sent by e-mail to the Chief Editor:

Ms María Jesús Marrón Gaite (mjmarron@ucm.es)


All papers must include the following:

  • Title in three languages (English, Spanish and French).
  • Abstract (100-200 words) and key words (3-5), separated by semicolons (;), in three languages (English, Spanish and French).
  • The text, including tables and figures.
  • The paper will follow the IMRaD structured (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion):
    • Introduction

      It should be used to develop a thorough review of the state of the research and to cite taking into account the most common databases (Scopus) and the most relevant publications. It is convenient to indicate the existence of contradictions between the different authors if it exists, finally it is necessary to indicate the purpose of the work presented. 

    • Methodology

      The sources of work used, both primary and secondary, and the choice of the method of work used must be indicated, indicating the use of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed techniques to explain the criteria and analysis procedures used in the development of the work presented.

    • Results

      This section will be nuclear to present the evidence of the research carried out, the experimental results achieved will be indicated, supported by all kinds of graphic elements such as cartography itself, the presentation of tables, texts, graphics, and even significant photographic images, the degree of innovation achieved by the author/s in the presentation of the results. It can be divided into sections and subsections if necessary.

    • Discussion of results

      The research results must be subjected to comparison with other previous investigations, in this case the comparison of similarities or differences is vital to demonstrate with the presented research the advances in relation to other studies of similar topic. It is therefore necessary to re-present relevant papers as well as future prospect that originates the maintenance of the debate towards future publications of the subject matter faced.

    • Conclusions

      It must be verified that the hypotheses presented initially have shown interest as an object of investigation. Original qualifications may be made by the author/s, for this a clear and direct language is required. A brief synthesis of the most significant results achieved and possible future lines of research will also be included.

  • References in APA style.  
  • Appendix(es), if available.



The Font used should Times New Roman, single space. The first line of every paragraph (except the one right after the title) should have a 0,5 cm indent. Sections and sub-sections will used Arabic numerals following this structure: 1. TITLE (upper-case and bold, first-degree headings); 1.2 Title (lower case  and bold, second-degree headings); 1.2.3. Title (italics, third-degree headings).

TABLES & FIGURES (maps, graphs, pictures…) will be inserted in the right place within the text and will be accompanied by a short title. Tables and figures should fit in one page. They will have separate, consecutive numbering in Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Table 1, etc.).

Drawings have to be submitted with sufficient quality so that both the digital and paper publications are clear enough. They should fit in a single page. Titles and conventional symbols should be included under the figure.

Pictures’ quality and contrast must be adequate enough. They must include a short description under it. They should always include their graphic scale (not the numerical scale), in case that it needs to be reduced or enlarged.

 All figures must be submitted in separate files (preferably in TIF or jpg format), with a minimum resolution of 300 pp. Reproduction and copyright permission of the figures must be obtained by the authors of the article.


The papers might include footnotes (not endnotes). Use Arabic numerals and keep them as few and short as possible.


The citation of authors in the text will follow the APA style. Examples: (Martín Vide, 2016, p. 16), (Mata Olmo, 2016; Méndez & Monteserín, 2017) or (Delgado Viñas et al., 2016).


References should only include items cited in the text. The references section should be placed at the end of the article. Authors will be sorted alphabetically, and hanging indent will be applied.

References follow the APA style, like in the following examples. We strongly recommend the use of reference management software such as Mendeley or Zotero. The official APA style manual can be consulted through their website.


Nogué i Font, J., & Romero, J. (2006). Las otras geografías. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch.

Book chapter

Zoido, F., & Ojeda, J. (2003). Diversidad, desigualdad y cohesión territorial. In A. López Ontiveros (Coord.), Geografía de Andalucía (pp. 777–812). Barcelona: Ariel.

Paper without DOI

Murray, I., Rullán, O., & Blázquez, M. (2005). Las huellas territoriales de deterioro ecológico. El trasfondo oculto de la explosión turística en Baleares. Scripta Nova, IX(199). Retrieved from http://www.ub.es/geocrit/sn/sn-199.htm

Paper with DOI

Gutiérrez-Hernández, O. (2018). Impacto del calentamiento global en la distribución y superviviencia del pinsapo (Serranía de Ronda). Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 76, 504–549. http://dx.doi.org/10.21138/bage.2532

Article in a magazine

Benabent Fernández de Córdoba, M., & Mata Olmo, R. (2007, July 13). El futuro de la geografía. El País. Retrieved from https://elpais.com/diario/2007/07/13/opinion/1184277607_850215.html

Conference proceedings (published)

García Palomares, J. C., Gutiérrez Puebla, J., Romanillos Arroyo, G., & Salas-Olmedo, H. (2016). Patrones espaciales de concentración de turistas en Madrid a partir de datos geolocalizados de redes sociales: Panoramio y Twitter. In Aplicaciones de las Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica (TIG) para el desarrollo económico sostenible (pp. 131-139). Actas del XVII Congreso Nacional de Tecnologías de Información Geográfica. Málaga, June 29-30 and July 1. Retrieved from https://tig.age-geografia.es/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Malaga2016.pdf


AGE (2019). Quiénes somos. In Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Retrieved from https://www.age-geografia.es/site/quienes-somos/

Working paper (more than seven authors)

De  Stefano, L.,   Urquijo  Reguera, J.,  Acácio, V.,  Andreu,  J., Assimacopolus, D., Bifulco, C.,…Wolters, W. (2012). Policy and drought responses–Case Study scale (Technical report no. 4). DROUGHT-R&SPI  project. Retrieved from http://www.isa.ulisboa.pt/ceabn/uploads/docs/projectos/drought/DROUGHT_TR_4.pdf


Publication in Didáctica Geográfica is free for authors. Paper issues cost 15€.


If the paper contains the results of one or several research projects that have been funded, this should be stated in the Author Cover Page. Do not include this information in the submitted file, as this could compromise the anonymity of the evaluation.


All authors must identify and declare any personal circumstances or interest that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of reported research results.