Proposal of a didactic resource for the interpretation of the landscape. The field trips in the old Villena Lagoon (Alicante)

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Álvaro-Francisco Morote Seguido
María Hernández Hernández


This study aims to propose the old Villena Lake (Alicante, Spain) as a teaching resource for the interpretation and analysis of the landscape. Methodologically, the materials, steps, activities and evaluation that are carried out before and during this experience have been exposed. As a conclusion, it is worth mentioning that this resource is an excellent didactic example because it allows to the students understand the complexity of the natural environment-society relationship and its manifestation through the landscape. And also, on the other hand, the meaning and value that the society assign to a certain landscape over time.


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How to Cite
Morote Seguido, Álvaro-F., & Hernández Hernández, M. (2019). Proposal of a didactic resource for the interpretation of the landscape. The field trips in the old Villena Lagoon (Alicante). Didáctica Geográfica, (20). Retrieved from
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