Conceptions about landscape in initial teacher training

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Maria Rosa Mateo Girona


The present work deals with an investigation on education in the landscape, which has been developed extensively from the Landscape Convention (2000). A case study is presented, the objective of which is to analyze the conceptions of the landscape of the students of the Degrees of Primary and Infant Education and of the University Master's Degree in Teacher Training. For this, an initial test has been carried out in which the students have worked on their vital spaces. The analysis is based on the categorization of the biotic, abiotic and anthropic elements of these landscapes. Some of the results show that the students identify the landscapes from their experience, and use an unspecialized vocabulary from the geographical area; therefore, they do not relate this lived reality with the learned academic contents.


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How to Cite
Mateo Girona, M. R. (2020). Conceptions about landscape in initial teacher training. Didáctica Geográfica, (21), 41-74.


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