Knowledge of secondary school students from Orihuela (Spain) about the risk of flooding

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Ángela Zaragoza Sáez
Álvaro-Francisco Morote Seguido


Educating the general population with regard to flooding is essential to increase socio-territorial resilience to this phenomenon. The objective of this research is to analyse the knowledge of secondary school students in the town of Orihuela (Spain) about the risk of flooding. From a methodological perspective, a survey was conducted of students in the third year of compulsory secondary education (n=99) to obtain information about their perceptions and knowledge of flooding and flood risks in Orihuela. The results show that the majority of students are aware that they live in an area that is prone to frequent flooding (63.7%), and recognise that they pass through flood areas on a daily basis. However, students believe that the causes of flood risk are only “atmospheric” (the human factor -2.0%- is not taken into account). This research furthers school knowledge about a phenomenon that must be increasingly taken into account due to future scenarios of climate change, especially in territories at risk of flooding, such as the case analysed here.


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Zaragoza Sáez, Ángela, & Morote Seguido, Álvaro-F. (2024). Knowledge of secondary school students from Orihuela (Spain) about the risk of flooding. Didáctica Geográfica, (25), 35-60.


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