Geographical Knowledge in Times of Skill-Based Education. Challenging theoretical Perspectives from the Sociology of Education and Geography Education

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Péter Bagoly-Simó


The transition of educational systems around the world towards skill-based and output-oriented formats contributed to a progressive loss of disciplinarity in various school subjects. Geography educators responded to this challenge by importing theoretical perspectives from the Sociology of Education, igniting a debate on the role and formats of knowledge in contemporary Geography curricula. This paper analyzes Geography curricula for the lower secondary education of six countries against the background of the original heuristics of the three futures as well as the model of curricular architecture in Geography. Content analysis showed the necessity to expanded the parochial Anglo-Saxon perspectives on both curricular typology and structure to formats that are sensitive to educational aims and historical development in particular national and regional settings.


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Bagoly-Simó, P. (2023). Geographical Knowledge in Times of Skill-Based Education. Challenging theoretical Perspectives from the Sociology of Education and Geography Education. Didáctica Geográfica, (24), 177-196.


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