In transition towards low carbon societies: competence analysis for Geography studies

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Jaume Feliu
Paula Inkeroinen
Iwona Markuszewska
Minna Tanskanen
Sergi Nuss
Josep Vila-Subirós


This paper presents the results of an analysis of competences and skills that will be more relevant for future geographers involved in the transition and management of low-carbon societies. The analysed information is based on an extensive questionnaire answered by professionals who work in environmental and land management in three European territories, Finland, Poland and Catalonia (Spain). The collaborative design process of the questionnaire, its dissemination in the three analysed countries and the results obtained in methodological and statistical terms are described. From the results, not only the most necessary skills and abilities are identified, but also the differences between these European regions. Among the findings, stands out a general agreement that “soft skills”, as opposed to “hard skills”, are essential for future professionals who will tackle transition policies towards low-carbon societies. Future professionals will play a fundamental role in the implementation of mitigation and adaptation policies against climate change.


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Feliu, J., Inkeroinen , P. ., Markuszewska , I. ., Tanskanen, M. . ., Nuss , S. ., & Vila-Subirós , J. . (2021). In transition towards low carbon societies: competence analysis for Geography studies. Didáctica Geográfica, (22), 221-245.


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