Field practice in the subject of Economic Geography through project- and place- based learning

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Mª Concepción Torres Enjuto
Itziar Aguado-Moralejo
Orbange Ormaetxea Arenaza


Fieldwork in Geography is one of the essences of the discipline where theory, practice and reality feed back into each other. The transfer of knowledge obtained in the teaching staff's research to their teaching through fieldwork has multiple advantages from a pedagogical point of view. Field practice in teaching facilitates the achievement of specific and transversal competences in a more stimulating context than the classroom. We present the implementation of a field practice based on two active methodologies: Project-Based Learning and Place-Based Learning. We have also investigated the constructivist pillars that support these methodologies in the three phases of the field practice (preparation, field trip and results). As a result, we have noticed that the contextualization of knowledge in a defined geographical space facilitates the learning process. Emphasizing the experience in order to stimulate it is a valuable strategy and valued by the students. The lecture part is also necessary to encourage guided interaction in order to achieve the expected learning outcomes within the framework of the European Higher Education Area.


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Torres Enjuto, M. C., Aguado-Moralejo, I., & Ormaetxea Arenaza, O. (2022). Field practice in the subject of Economic Geography through project- and place- based learning . Didáctica Geográfica, (23), 17-47.


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