Sustainable Development Goals and Geography: alternative conceptions and activities proposed in learning situations by teachers in training

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Gema Sánchez Emeterio
Julio José Plaza Tabasco


The LOMLOE law includes the need to address Sustainable Development in line with the 2030 Agenda and urges the training of teachers in accordance with it. In this sense, the Didactics of Geography, as a holistic science, is a fundamental area of work. This article analyses the alternative conceptions of initial teacher trainees on sustainability and the type of activities they plan to address geographic content, using the SDGs as a focus of interest. The questionnaire is used as an instrument to collect information before and after an educational intervention, being the source to categorize and analyses these conceptions. Secondly, the activities proposed by the students in the learning situations are analyzed. The main results show that the alternative conceptions presented by the sample are unscientific, common, and rather permanent. Among the activities proposed by the teacher training, structured or directed enquiry and non-inquiry activities dominate, as opposed to open or guided activities that encourage more active learning. This implies the need to advance in the design of learning situations focused on the development of enquiry skills around sustainability issues.


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Sánchez Emeterio, G., & Plaza Tabasco, J. J. . (2023). Sustainable Development Goals and Geography: alternative conceptions and activities proposed in learning situations by teachers in training. Didáctica Geográfica, (24), 151–175.


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