The Project Nós Propomos!/We Propose in the State of São Paulo/Brazil: Education for life through the promotion of citizenship

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Odair Filho
Andrea Coelho Lastória


This text reflects on the challenges of the Project Nós Propomos!/We Propose! in the teaching of Geography and in the formation of citizens in the state of São Paulo/Brazil, from the perspective of five participating teachers. The research was carried out as part of a broader investigation of the Graduate Program in Education at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of the University of São Paulo, Brazil (FFCLRP/USP). The methodology was qualitative. Structured interviews were carried out with five teachers of the Project from four municipalities. The first part of the text is an introduction to the research and its methodology. The second is a discussion about the importance of citizenship in geographic education and teaching. The third part deals with the implementation and development of the project in the state of São Paulo. In the fourth part, the interviews are analyzed, with reference to the category “the project and citizen education”. In the last part, the results are commented. The Project We Propose! promotes in students skills of interpretation and intervention in their local reality, to solve their socio-environmental problems. The collective, the community, constitute the starting point of this territorial citizenship project.


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Filho, O., Coelho Lastória , A., & Espanhol, P. (2022). The Project Nós Propomos!/We Propose in the State of São Paulo/Brazil: Education for life through the promotion of citizenship. Didáctica Geográfica, (23), 201-220.


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