Use of GIS as an innovative teaching resource: Evaluation of geospatial knowledge through active and emerging methodologies
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This article aims to evaluate a teaching innovation experience based on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the teaching of two subjects “Topography and Geographic Information Systems” and “Graphic Expression” taught at the School of Industrial Engineering in Badajoz (Degree in Electrical Engineering and Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering). Three seminars were conducted using active and emerging methodologies such as Project Based Learning (PBL) with a view to determining the innovative potential of using GIS in the teaching and learning process and evaluating the geospatial knowledge acquired through PBL. The research methodology used was based on statistical techniques, collecting data from a sample of 155 students. We carried out a questionnaire to explore the geospatial knowledge of the students with a view to developing practical seminars using the free software QGIS v. 3.28. Their knowledge was finally evaluated using a questionnaire administered via the technological tool Kahoot. The results showed a high degree of satisfaction with the learning methodology developed based on GIS, which proved highly useful for the development of engineering projects, as expressed by 80% of the students.
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