Space and time in Virtual Campus: field of research in Didactics of Geography

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Daniel David Martínez Romera
Sofía Rodríguez López
Sara Cortés Dumont


This article aims to offer areas and research strategies in Didactics of Geography and Social Science, in order to create new bridges between the scientific and educational traditions of the discipline. The use of Virtual Campus is proposed as a source of data and metadata of interest for the study of teaching process as well as for its academic performance. To this end, a case study is carried out based on 70 133 events generated by 398 undergraduate students in 6 subjects during the 2018/19 academic year. The methodology used is fundamentally quantitative, focused on techniques typical of exploratory statistics, data mining and Big Data. The analysis carried out has allowed us to check the possibilities of the information generated by the students in their interaction with the learning platforms, as well as to detect some singularities of interest, among which the differences in mobility stand out, and the interaction with the latter, among men and women. Thus, we consider that this is a scientific-educational meeting space of interest to the geographic community, about which it would be worthwhile to continue exploring to overcome the limitations of case studies such as this one.


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Martínez Romera, D. D., Rodríguez López, S. ., & Cortés Dumont, S. . (2021). Space and time in Virtual Campus: field of research in Didactics of Geography. Didáctica Geográfica, (22), 171-197.


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