The learning of space in didactic Geography: technological resources and TPACK to acquire spatial competence
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School curricula point to the development and acquisition of Spatial Competence (SC) as a key piece in the teaching of Geography. Along with it, the current Information and Communication Society warns of the need to train in Digital Competences (DC), so that a responsible and capable citizenry of the 21st century is achieved. The objective of this research is to analyze the educational possibilities offered by Google EarthTM Geographic Information Technology to develop different geographic concepts and procedures in students and teachers. The implemented methodology is mixed, through the teaching and learning model used is the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). The two instruments used are analyzed: the designed didactic proposals and the answers to a Likert scale questionnaire, throughout two academic years. Some of the results show that the participants lack knowledge related to the geographical landscape, SC as well as poor training in DC for the teaching task.
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