Volunteering campaigns as a teaching tool in Geography

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Néstor Marrero-Rodríguez
Español Español
Español Español
ESPañol Espñaol
Español Español


The development of volunteer campaigns by non-profit associations has led to an increase in the popularity of the fight against invasive alien species in the Canary Islands (Spain). This article aims to evaluate the educational capacity of these campaigns in volunteers. For this, a methodology based on conducting surveys of volunteers was used; field work in which the volunteers were accompanied during the campaigns and, finally, open interviews with the members of the associations in charge of the project. The main results show that the volunteers made a positive assessment of the learning in the volunteering campaigns. Most of them confirmed having acquired knowledge about invasive exotic flora, native flora, fauna, geology, among others. Likewise, they developed concern about related issues having carried out information searches after the campaigns. Therefore, this article allows us to conclude that volunteering campaigns are a teaching tool in geography for different age groups and regardless of their training or previous experience.


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Marrero-Rodríguez, N., Español, E., Español, E., Espñaol, E., & Español, E. (2022). Volunteering campaigns as a teaching tool in Geography. Didáctica Geográfica, (23), 221-247. https://doi.org/10.21138/DG.667


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