Intergenerational relationships in formal education. An experience for geographic learning

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Juan Samuel García Hernández


Intergenerational contact is an unquestionably valuable source for geographic learning. Relationships between younger and older people offer educational opportunities that have been used with some frequency in informal training contexts. However, the promotion of educational projects that facilitate the link between generations has been less frequent in the field of formal education, and their importance in official curricula has only appeared since the last regulatory reforms. This proposal analyses the potential of the intergenerational perspective within the framework of the teaching-learning of Geography and offers a practical experience in applying this approach to Compulsory Secondary Education. The “Harvesting Experiences” project has allowed students to get closer to their social environment through an active, meaningful and contextualised learning process that promotes participatory attitudes and transformation at the local and community level.


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García Hernández, J. S. (2025). Intergenerational relationships in formal education. An experience for geographic learning. Didáctica Geográfica, (26), 131–151.


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