Geographical horizons and pedagogical tendencies: Possible imbrications at geography teaching

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Hugo de Carvalho Sobrinho
Rodrigo Capelle Suess
Cristina Maria Costa Leite


In the sciences, theories are always provisional explanations of reality, which cooperate for the epistemological and methodological composition of knowledge, its systematization and dissemination. In pedagogical practice in Geography, theories are mobilized together with practices that reveal an inseparable relationship between geographical horizons and pedagogical trends. We consider the geographic horizon the limits that circumscribe the possibilities of geographic investigation, guided especially by scientific methods, where the logical-formal horizon, the critical horizon and the humanist horizon are inserted. By trends we refer to the philosophical conceptions of education, which feed reasons and meanings for the realization of education in the Brazilian social and school context: liberal pedagogies - technicist and renewed; critical-reproductive pedagogy; and progressive pedagogies - liberating and historical-critical. This relationship, however, is not explicit and requires clarification. Thus, the objective of this article is to discuss this relationship, to promote its understanding and, from that, to promote the production of knowledge, which can contribute to the improvement of the teaching and learning relationships of Geography, in the school environment. In this intention, we consider it essential to become aware of this process through an analysis of the interfaces between geographic horizons and pedagogical trends in the teaching of Geography, as a point of intersection between theories of Geography and Education. For this, the following points will be addressed: main methods of knowledge production and their intersections between Geography and Education; and interfaces between geographical horizons and pedagogical trends in their relations with the teaching of Geography. In this way, we believe that, through the intersection, the interface, the interrelation and the complementarity, of the themes related to Geography and Education, new knowledge will be produced.


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de Carvalho Sobrinho, H., Capelle Suess, R., & Costa Leite, C. M. . (2023). Geographical horizons and pedagogical tendencies: Possible imbrications at geography teaching . Didáctica Geográfica, (24), 135-150.


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