Exploring your city: becoming aware of the urban environment and its relevant problems through inquiry and technology
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Learning and understanding the environment in which we live is one of the basic concepts citizens need to acquire; even more so in environments as complex as urban spaces with the challenges we face today. This study is based on an adaptation of the Geo-Inquiry methodology. It presents a novel approach to actively explore the environment where students live through Secondary Education. As part of a Service Learning (SL) project, 39 students in the third year of Compulsory Secondary Education carried out a total of 13 activities in the urban space of Albacete. These activities focused on SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities supported by geotechnological tools, fieldwork and decision-making, among others. Specifically, they investigated relevant social problems of their city such as: the need to pedestrianise some of its streets and the implications and synergies that this entails. For this purpose, the students took measurements in the field and used Geographic Information Systems (GIS). They had the opportunity to see the impact of their work by sharing their findings with the university community and expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the activities.
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